How to play
This chapter provides essential information on how to start playing Akarun.
Desktop Version
Open Your Chrome Browser
If you don't have Chrome, you can download it here:
Ensure Metamask is Installed on Chrome
If you don't have Metamask, you can download the extension here:
Ensure Polygon Chain is Installed on Your Metamask
If you don't have the Polygon chain set up, follow these instructions:
Open the MetaMask app
Select the Network dropdown menu at the top of the screen
Choose Add Network
Select Polygon Mainnet from the list
Click Add
Review the network details on the screen
Click Approve
Open Akarun Desktop Version
Now that you have everything set up, you can open Akarun on your PC using this link:
If this is your first time, the application will need to preload all the game maps, which will take about 5 minutes. Please be patient; this is only necessary the first time you open the game.
Once the maps are loaded, it will ask you to log in with Metamask (it's free and doesn't cost anything). If your Metamask is new, you will need to sign up. Follow these steps:
Enter your nickname. If it already exists, you will be asked to choose an original one. We recommend using a short nickname.
Enter your Discord account (if you don't have Discord, you can simply re-enter your nickname).
Enter your email. Proceed to the next step.
Choose Your Mode: Demo or Real
Demo Mode:
This mode allows you to play with any available cryptocurrency in the game against other players also in Demo mode. You won't win or lose anything in this mode. Races do not cost Matic, and you don't need to sign any transactions via Metamask.
Real Mode:
In this mode, the races are real. For each race, you will need to sign twice in Metamask:
The first signature authorizes the use of the specific token you want to use for the race.
The second signature is to pay the cost of the race.
Ensure you have Matic to cover the gas fees for the Metamask signatures.
To race with a specific token, you need to have the equivalent dollar amount in that token. For example, if you want to race with Bitcoin in a $10 race, you need to have at least $10 worth of BTC in your Metamask.
If You Lose: The tokens you played go to the winner, with a portion allocated to the owners of the NFTs and gAKA holders involved.
If You Win: You receive 1.8x the amount you played, with 0.2x paid as a fee to the NFT holders involved in the game (two Akarunners and one track) and to the gAKA holders.
If You Draw: Neither player loses their tokens, and no fee is owed to the NFT and gAKA holders.
To withdraw your winnings: you can do so immediately at the end of the game - a signature on Metamask is required - or at any other time in the "RUNS" section of the game dashboard.
Enjoy your Akarun gaming experience!
Apple Mobile Version
Chapter: Mobile Version for Apple
Download the Akarun App
Open the App Store on your Apple device.
Search for "Akarun" and download the app.
Sign Up Process
Upon opening the app, you can choose to sign up using your Apple account or via email.
The app will send a One-Time Password (OTP) to your phone number. Enter the received code to complete the registration.
Gameplay Options
Demo Mode:
Play against other players in Demo mode.
In this mode, you won't win or lose real AKA tokens.
Real Mode:
In Real mode, you can win or lose real AKA tokens.
In-game AKA tokens are treated as regular game points and can be purchased through in-app purchases.
In-App Purchases
AKA tokens can be bought directly in the game using credit cards, phone credit, or other payment methods offered by Apple.
Purchased AKA tokens have a markup of approximately 30% over the market price due to Apple's commission.
Any purchase of AKA tokens is reflected on-chain (not in real-time) and impacts on-chain AKA market purchases.
Withdrawing or Topping Up AKA Tokens
To withdraw or top up your AKA tokens from the app to the blockchain, you must register on the dashboard using the same account details as in the app: username, email, and phone number.
Follow these steps to get started with Akarun on your Apple device and enjoy the gaming experience!
Expected Release Date on App Store: November 2024
Android Mobile Version
Chapter: Mobile Version for Android
Download the Akarun App
Open the Google Play Store on your Android device.
Search for "Akarun" and download the app.
Sign Up Process
Upon opening the app, you can choose to sign up using your Google account or via email.
The app will send a One-Time Password (OTP) to your phone number. Enter the received code to complete the registration.
Gameplay Options
Demo Mode:
Play against other players in Demo mode.
In this mode, you won't win or lose real AKA tokens.
Real Mode:
In Real mode, you can win or lose real AKA tokens.
In-game AKA tokens are treated as regular game points and can be purchased through in-app purchases.
In-App Purchases
AKA tokens can be bought directly in the game using credit cards, phone credit, or other payment methods offered by Google.
Purchased AKA tokens have a markup of approximately 30% over the market price due to Google's commission.
Any purchase of AKA tokens is not reflected on-chain in real-time but impacts on-chain AKA market purchases.
Withdrawing or Topping Up AKA Tokens
To withdraw or top up your AKA tokens from the app to the blockchain, you must register on the dashboard using the same account details as in the app: username, email, and phone number.
Follow these steps to get started with Akarun on your Android device and enjoy the gaming experience!
Expected Release Date on Google Play Store: November 2024
Last updated